Thanks to Edward Chong, Founder of ECMS (EC Mechatronics Solution), for fixing my GPS so that I was able to pick up my baby from all the way in Ulu Tiram. He is my girlfriend's neighbor. A fantastic individual highly passionate in Technology, an expert in Garmin GPS Satellite Navigation Products.
Prior to knowing him, I was lost in searching for the location on my GPS with an older map as well as Google Maps. Without his sincere help, I would have gotten lost in the jungles of Johor. Thanks a lot.
Do visit ECMS website for any inquiries on GPS systems and other Industrial Products. WHY? If you're in need of any service or product from any business, especially electronic products, get it from someone who is passionate in their field. I can assure you, it makes a huge difference. Passion is the main reason. GPS is a highly important tool today. Get it, or Get lost =)
Below is a picture from my Singapore Trip. Visit my Facebook pamper your eyes with some heavenly cuisines.
Ray Mak