1st : Like Real Estate; Location!! Location!! Location!! Choose a location with ample sunshine (preferably morning sun), soft soil, a foot or more away from competing plants (sufficient supply of nutrients)
2nd : Cut the top leafy part of the Pineapple, along with at least an inch of the Pineapple flesh and skin (the Pineapple itself). Enjoy the rest of the Pineapple
3rd : Now bring the leftover Pineapple top that you've chopped off to your LOCATION. Dig a nice hole there, deep enough to cover the whole Fruit Part and about an inch of the Leafy Part (for safety). You may want to put some fertilizer there:
Natural : Rice water, dead plants, pee pee & poo poo (Yours or your pets')
Synthetic : Get them from plant stores
4th : Pineapples are pretty much maintenance free. Plant it, forget it. They grow pretty slowly too. Trust me, you'll actually forget about it. Let the rain and sun do their job. A few months to a year later, come back and check. The fruit forms in the middle of the Pineapple Plant. Initially, it will look like a red or yellow flower. The flower which will then transform into your Elixir of Life. If you want sufficient Pineapples to feed your family or your big appetite. Plant a few, about a foot away from each other.
5th : Enjoy!!