I know a lot of you guys turn OFF annotations when you're viewing your videos. Annotations are actually an important medium of communcation between video producers and their audiences. Especially musicians, where we rarely speak in our videos.
Or perhaps Shy people like me.... (cough cough)
I would like you to turn ON your annotations, at least when viewing my videos. There are some important things that I mention in some of my annotations so that I don't have to repeat myself. Though I don't mind repeating myself once in a while, repeating myself to hundreds if not thousands of comments and messages from my viewers can be a very time consuming.
Subsequently, my annotations' like my Blog. You'll kinda get the idea of what I'm gonna play next or whose request I'm gonna do first from there. Even some personal motivational messages.
Last but not least, I hope you guys respond or comment on my videos according to my annotations. Our discussions will be much more relevant and informative that way.
Warmest Regards,
Ray Mak