I know many of you are here simply because you want to learn to play by ear. I'm learning that too, myself, as well as from all other nice people on YouTube, one baby step at a time.
There are a few things that I want you guys to understand before you start to learn how to play by ear, so that it's easier for you. These are the few important things that you need to master before you start.
1. Feel The Music - Playing By Ear requires you to Play By Heart. Feel the Mood of the Music especially. It's not about how well you can play the piano or what kinda classical skills you have. My classical skill is almost baby's level in spite of the years of music training. Ask me to play a classical song with sheets in front of me, you'll laugh like there's no tomorrow. Feeling the Music is about how you deliver the music to your very own ears as well as others'. If you can feel the music well, you can even play extremely well with simple octave chords.
2. Learn your Basics - Fundamental knowledge is very important. For example, I don't know anything about guitar, including how to even hold it, can I play guitar by ear? No! Learn the basics first! You need to understand your notes well on the piano, then only you can start to make use of them.
3. Understand your Piano - It doesn't matter you're playing white or black key. When it comes to play by ear, they are all the same. However, like I've mentioned above. You need to know your basics, as in, know your notes well. Just play whatever sounds right to your ears. Take feedback positively.
If you want to know more about the fundamental techniques. Just refer to the previous postings that I've posted on the Tutorial Page. They'll be great help!
Anyway, I wish you all the Best!! Thank you for your support on YouTube. Please "Like" two of my Fan Pages below created by my Fans who turned into Good Friends. I hope I can be your friends too. Seriously!