I just wanna start my day off writing something good here for everyone. I'll be heading out in a few minutes.
Notice the notes below? It may look simple for most of you here. But, to me, it's slightly above simple, I would say, averagely tough. It takes me sometime to coordinate my fingers on the piano to the key and to realize that there's actually a sharp over there. The "Rests" kills me.
On the other hand, if I've heard this song, I should be able to do better than this piece. Improvisation you call it. I call it, to feel the song and to reproduce it to how it sounds to my ears.
My tutorials on this website is written in a way that you figure out the Melody yourself, but for the Accompaniment, you train yourself to listen to the bass of any songs that you're listening too.
The best way to play by ear is to find the Bass first. The Bass, is The Base, The Fundamental. The reason is, like drum beat, the bass controls the rhythm and tempo of the music. Once you get the Bass, you'll get the feel of the music. Take some time to practice the bass first for every song that you start playing with ear with. The chords written on my website will help you with figuring out the bass. But it helps a lot if you look at the video while reading the tutorials. After some time, you won't need my tutorials anymore because you'll automatically figure out what to listen to when you listen to music.
After you've got the bass, listen to the background music. Most of the background are repetitive, which is kinda like the core of the song. You'll hear it over and over again.
Now that you've got your Bass and Background. It's time to listen to the Melody (Lyrics). Be familiar with the lyrics because at times the singer sings them at a synchopated beat (their own timing) I'm not so sure if I got the terms correct. Your style of playing depends on yourself. You'll improve on feedbacks over time.
That's all for Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone!! Happy New Year in anticipation!!!
Warmest Regards,
Ray Mak