Anyway, to play by ear. First, you need to feel the music with your heart, know it by heart. The melody, the voice, the music, the beat, the bass, and the little sounds in the background. The little sounds in the background will differentiate your music / piano covers from many other covers. It makes the music much more wholesome. For instance, if you notice how I play "Akon - Beautiful", I play the background as well, as if 3 hands are playing the song. You need to teach your ears to pick up those little things, it's fun!
Though I am not able to make good tutorials for you guys on YouTube, I've been receiving lots of hate mails from people upon making those tutorials. Additionally, I do not have anyone to hold my camera with a bird's eye view for you guys, that's why I've placed my camera in a position that you can see my fingers from the side. Therefore, I'll put written tutorials from here from now on, if possible for all my songs.
In my written tutorials, I'm going to give simple hints of how you can play those songs that I play by ear, by yourself. If you really want to learn how to follow each and every note from tutorials, you're simply following the pianists' shadows. I believe, and strongly believe, that you can play your own style, much much better than mine.
To do this, I'll categorize my songs into 5 different moods in order for you to feel them by heart:
1. Happy Mood - Joyous and Happy from within, like dancing
2. Angry Mood - Disappointed, Angry, but Hopeful
3. Clubbing Mood - Let's Partayyyyyyyyy!!!!
4. Emo Mood - Expressive Sad and Hardcore Emotional
5. Playful Mood - Lust
I'll keep you guys updated in the next post.
Ray Mak