(I know some of you are fans, but I consider all of you my friends, who knows we'll cross paths and have a cuppa drink together),
Just to let you know that I'll be posting tutorials starting from the latest songs. There are a few points that I really need to emphasize here.
First, I do not read music. So I really hope that you don't expect the tutorial to be full of notes, dynamics, and all those hardcore musical terms. I'll just KISS (Keep It Simple & Short)
Second, I will not be able to make tutorials for every single song due to time constrain, memory loss (If something happens right now, I'll forget it the next minute), and low requests.
Third, my tutorials will show you how I play it, so please do not expect that I'll spoon feed every note to you. I wish, from the bottom of my heart, that you'll take the challenge to use your heart, to actually feel the music, rather than reading the notes like a robot. If you expect me to spoon feed you, don't expect to play. I know you can do it, and I believe in you, strongly!
Last but not least, for those who are able to follow my tutorials. I'm really glad you do. I wish you all the best in playing ALL the songs that you like, because once you can follow my tutorials, you can follow any music. Just like, if you can drive in New York City, you can drive anywhere in the world.
Ray Mak