I've been going through a lot lately. I can say, quite a lot of things that made me feel stressed out and disappointed and mostly due to my own acts and the little wrong decisions that I have made in life. In some ways, some of these things have been adversely affecting my relationship as well. I have been brought up different, exposed to different cultures, and I do look at things from very different perspectives compared to others. It feels like I've been always going against the stream, choosing different paths, and ultimately, I do express myself in a different way which is very against the typical conservative Asian culture. That is how American speaks and I'm not in America.
PS : How do I even enter America Got Talent when I'm 8,776 miles from Los Angeles and 9,399 miles from New York City!?
As for my career, I made myself unemployed since the closure of an unsuccessful limited liability business that my friends and I founded. I wish to return to employment immediately, but I do need to take a serious look into the companies that I will be joining because I know that I tend to be very, if not too, passionate towards groups or companies that I attach to. In short, deeply attached.
I wish for a change. Seriously! Which means going against core values, in some of the things that I believe and know I should change.
Just when I needed some words of wisdom the most, this message was the top message waiting for me in my YouTube Inbox.
"From lots of your fans Dear makhonkit
as you can tell by the comments the people who watch your videos love the music. several people say they learnt to play piano simply because of you. so me and some others decided that the best and most practical way to thank you for keeping us happy with your music, we would send round a letter and get at least 20 people who love your music to sign it and send it back. thank you so much for your music.
signed: loopymoocow, justjess090, jonoave, jemimasixpence, hannibeat, killcool, rayzor46, bigbill, splintcellzora, hugenintendofan, shellyshocker, beardoish, smokerboy27, collin93, massa1990, maiisiie, cemflash1, flattyflatflat, trasknari, XpatriotsterreritoryX. there are many more but eventuly the letters title got way to long. thanks again for the music! =)"
Here's my personal reply, thank you very much my friends. I'm so speechless that I don't even know how to react to your message. But I know for sure that your messages made me happier than even if all my music combined to keep you guys happy.
Sincerely yours,
Ray Mak